
About Dr. Houston Anderson

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Dr. Houston Anderson, BS, BS, MS, DC

Dr. Anderson’s journey into natural and functional medicine stems from his own experience with chronic pain and fatigue. After trying conventional medicine approaches and seeing limited results he was forced to look for answers somewhere else, in the “alternative medicine” realm. His journey to eliminate his own chronic pain and chronic fatigue has led him in his journey to discover more effective treatment options for individuals who are suffering and develop his own novel approaches.

A.S.K. & Systems Healthcare

Dr. Anderson is one of only a handful of doctors trained in Systems HealthcareTM and the founder of A.S.K. (Anderson Specific Kinesiology). Systems HealthcareTM combines modern functional medicine treatment with natural and holistic medicine in order to discover root causes and achieve improved results.

Anderson Specific Kinesiology (A.S.K.) was founded by Dr. Anderson to treat patients by “ASK-ing” the body what is needed via advanced muscle testing procedures.

By using the A.S.K. technique, in a systematic and unique approach, he has been able to resolve and reverse many difficult conditions.

If you are not close to the Phoenix area and are looking for doctor that practices similar to Dr. Anderson, please visit this page here.

What Makes Dr. Anderson different?

Dr. Anderson is a licensed Chiropractic Physician that focuses on difficult cases by taking a holistic approach through all-natural methods. This means that instead of focusing on the local problem area, he focuses on discovering the root cause that is stopping your body from healing.

He is considered a revolutionary in restoring health to struggling individuals.

Much of how he treats patients is derived from his in-depth study and training in biochemistry, nutrition, neurology and the muscular system.

Understanding the interaction between the many systems in the human body is the Gilbert Irritable Bowel Doctorlargest obstacle to restoring ill health.

While most patients are used to seeing one doctor for digestive problems, another for allergies and another for back pain, Dr. Anderson is able to address multiple systems in a single visit. By discovering how the multiple problems interact all within a single visit, faster progress can be made and difficult cases can be resolved.

What Patients Do You Treat?

There really isn’t a typical patient in the office, but to find out if Dr. Anderson may be able to help with your health concerns, go here.

Education/Experience – Dr. Houston Anderson, BS, BS, MS, DC

Dr. Anderson attended Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ and received his Bachelor’s of Science in Biology. Later he attended Logan University, where he earned his Doctorate of Chiropractic as well as a Masters Degree in Nutrition and Human Performance.

Dr. Anderson has had the opportunity to work with a diverse group of cutting-edge healthcare leaders as well as working with hundreds of Division 1 collegiate athletes.

Dr. Anderson uses many of the techniques developed by Dr. George Goodheart, the first Olympic Chiropractic Physician, who was recruited based upon his uncanny ability to get fast results with athletes.

Dr. Anderson had the unique opportunity to serve an LDS mission in Anchorage, Alaska. He was the first LDS Spanish speaking missionary to learn fluent Spanish and complete a full-time mission in Alaska. Learning fluent Spanish while in Alaska, with infrequent contact to native Spanish speaking individuals, he was able to learn how to spend endless hours of time and devotion studying.


Licensed Chiropractic Physician (Arizona)

Certified Chiropractic Nutrition Specialist (CNS)

Certified Professional Applied Kinesiologist (PAK)

Licensed & Certified in Physical Medicine (Physiotherapy)

Certified Systems Healthcare Practitioner

Bachelor’s Degree in Human Biology (Arizona State University)

Bachelor’s Degree in Life Science (Logan University)

Master’s Degree In Nutrition and Human Performance (Logan University)

A.S.K. – Anderson Specific Kinesiology Instructor

Personal Info

Dr. Anderson lives in Gilbert, AZ with is wife, Kyndra, and five young children, Brooklyn, Ronin, Maelie, Kiera & Maverick. Being born and raised in the east valley he enjoys seeing friends and family frequently. Dr. Anderson and his family strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle with daily exercise and specific nutrition. Most of his free time is spent with his children, training outdoors or researching for patient care.


DISCLAIMER: Houston C. Anderson is NOT a licensed Medical Doctor (MD).He is a licensed Chiropractic Physician and Applied Kinesiologist in the state of Arizona. Information on this website is provided for general educational purposes only and is NOT intended to constitute (i) medical advice or counseling, (ii) the practice of medicine including psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy or the provision of health care diagnosis or treatment, (iii) the creation of a physician patient or clinical relationship, or (iv) an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any third party product or service by the Sponsor or any of the Sponsor's affiliates, agents, employees, consultants or service providers. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly.