Mesa, AZ Iliotibial Band Treatment
Whether you are a weekend warrior, competitive runner or cyclist, you know that the IT Band can be tough to treat. Iliotibial band treatment has many options, but most take a long time and don’t get you back on your feet as fast as you want.
Our proprietary ITBS treatment offers the fastest way to get you back to pain free activity in Mesa AZ.
Your IT band is not supposed to support weight, but when your muscles lose their ability to absorb force, the IT band has to do more work and starts to hurt!
The worse part is that it actually decreases your performance! (Muscles were made to move, ligaments and tendons were made to be strong and stable.)
The Iliotitibal Band goes along the outside of your leg, starting at the hip and TFL muscle and then descending down the outside of the leg and attaching to both the knee and tibia or shin.
What is Iliotibial Band Syndrome?
When the muscles of the knee and hip cannot support the activity, then the IT band is used to support it. This can develop into severe IT band pain at the knee and often goes undiagnosed. Eventually ITBS can become chronic and requires rehab.
If you are ready for IT band treatment, give us a call or text and ask about our ITBS treatment protocol 480.571.3030.
The IT band is critical in most movements of the lower body and legs. Because it connects the hip muscles to the knee, it is used in walking, running, sitting and even as a hip and knee stabilizer when laying down.
What Are The Symptoms Of IT Band Syndrome?
Iliotibial band syndrome symptoms usually start to as minor aches and pains. It may even feel like your knee or hip are inflamed. Usually when you warm up and get moving, you feel less pain.
The most common symptoms of IT Band Syndrome include:
- Pain on the outside area of the knee
- Cracking or popping with knee movement
- Swelling of the knee or tenderness of knee ligaments
- Tight IT band along the outside of your leg. Either the lower half of the IT band or the whole IT band
- Significant heel pain each time your heel hits the ground with walking, running, etc.
Common Causes of IT Band Syndrome
Muscular imbalance is the #1 cause of ITBS. It comes from one muscle firing too much while another doesn’t fire enough.
We don’t technically like the describe ITBS as an overuse injury. But when you combine muscle imbalances or poor technique with repetitive movements you can definitely experience pain. (Imagine the new guy at the CrossFit gym trying to keep up with the Pros.)
For athletes, the most common cause of IT band syndrome is a hidden injury. Our proprietary technology can help find hidden injuries and restore your natural movement.
What is a hidden injury? Imagine when you last sprained your ankle. Are you sure you fully recovered? Did you fix every muscle, tendon and ligament? Did you check your toes knees and hips? You can see how it would be easy to have a minor tear or sprain that goes untreated. These hidden injuries compile to create abnormal movement patterns. As mentioned before, abnormal movement patterns plus repetition create problems.
IT Band Treatment Myths 101
1-You can stretch your IT Band.
FALSE. Sorry, the IT band is not made to stretch. It is literally the support system for your entire lower body and can withstand any force you put on it.
2 – Resting Fixes IT Band Syndrome
FALSE. Resting only stops the repetitive movement. It does not fix the abnormal movement pattern. It does not retrain the brain to do it correctly and it does not strengthen the correct movement pattern.
3 – Anti-inflammatories Decrease ITBS Inflammation
FALSE. Taking pain killers or anti-inflammatory NSAIDS for ITBS only increases the pain you experience as it shifts your inflammatory processes to a new type of inflammation that can be up to 1000x more painful.
Whatever your story is! We are ready to handle it! Call and ask about our ITBS packages! 480-571-3030
We offer our proprietary IT Band treatment therapy in Mesa, AZ only!